Part Time Nanny

If you’re looking for consistent, part-time care for your family, we’re here to help. Our partner brand, Illini Sitters, maintains a database of childcare providers who are looking for work that fits around their class schedules. We’ll help you find a sitter who is perfect for your family’s needs.

How It Works

How we help you find the perfect nanny!

We Get to know you

We spend time getting to know your family through our registration process and scheduled family consultation to ensure we understand your needs and family dynamics. We will identify your weekly schedule, job responsibilities.

We Match you With A Caregiver

We have many established relationships with wonderful nannies and create new relationships every day. Through our personalized matchmaking process, we carefully select a caregiver that meets your specific needs and provide you with their resume for your review.

You Interview with Caregiver

While we believe we have selected an excellent nanny for your child, it's important for you to meet and interview the nanny to ensure that they are the right fit for your family.

We provide ongoing support

We are here to answer questions, provide suggestions and offer a network of support for your family and your nanny. Our babysitting service can provide backup care if your nanny is out of town or sick.

What's Included

12-Tier Screening Process:

What People Are Saying

"I'm so impressed with Mariah's efforts to build this resource for Champaign-Urbana families. She is a great resource especially for families new to the community that might not have connections to trusted sitters or family around. This service fills a fantastic niche."
Laura B.
"Vetting and hiring staff for your home can feel like a full time job - let Nannyville help instead! People you can rely on to ask the questions and handle the background checks so you can breathe easy!"
Erin T.
"It's hard to find child care you can trust in C-U, especially last-minute! Nannyville makes it easy for moms and dads to find the most qualified caregivers with as little stress as possible!"
Elizabeth S.

Part Time Nanny Fee $249

A Part-Time Placement is defined as a constant placement of ten (10) hours a week or more. To begin the process for a part-time placement, the Client shall pay a search fee of two hundred and forty nine dollars ($249.00). The search fee is non-refundable and is charged to begin the search.

*The nanny’s hourly rate is separate from the placement fee.